The Holy Spirit In The New Testament

the holy spirit in the new testament


The Holy Spirit is very much a person, He is the divine Being in God’s Head. (1 John 5:7) “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one”. And throughout the New Testament, the marvelous cooperation of the triune God is revealed. This article will give some in-depth knowledge of the role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

The Spirit of God has all along present from the beginning of creation, till today. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament plays significant parts in the special assignment of God. Moreover, all His works pointed towards the coming of the Messiah.

The spirit of God move, dwell and work upon individual till today. The difference between the past and the present work of the Holy Spirit is that He dwells permanently and is universal. The New Testament has proof of it.

The Holy Spirit works amazingly throughout the New Testament. Right after the ascending of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of the Lord was assigned in place of Jesus. He was with the disciples, the apostles, the Bible heroes, and many individuals who had great faith in Jesus.

The New Testament and The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament functioned in a very different way than He did in the Old Testament. From the early ministry of Christ, the Spirit was present. And before the crucifixion, Christ taught his disciples about this new, upcoming ministry of the Spirit. He also talks about sending someone in His place that he Called as “Another Helper “, in the Greek text “Parakletos”.

These can be seen in the book of John, (John 14:16)

“And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Helper that he may abide with you forever”. 

These words indeed came to life after the resurrection of Christ and the life of the disciples is proof of it.

Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Mentions of the Holy Spirit

In The Synoptic Gospel, i.e., the first three Gospel records of Matthew, Mark, and Luke mention Holy Spirit and His work.

Book of Matthew

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 1: 18

And, again in the conversation between Mary and Joseph that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit (1:20). The Holy Spirit made the body of Mary to produce the Son of God.

In the book of Luke,

  • “ for he will be great in the sight of the Lord…he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born” (1:15), John the pathmaker of Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Elizabeth and Zechariah who was filled with Holy Spirit and prophesied
  • Simeon, who had received a special revelation by the Spirit and was led by Him to the temple (Luke 2:25)

Mark 1:12, Matthew 4:1, and Luke 4:1 mention the Holy Spirit. It talks about how Christ was full of the Spirit and led by the Spirit in the wilderness and encountered the devil.

In the Gospel of John, he reveals the truth about Jesus as Christ, the Son of God. Moreover, he makes known the teaching He gave concerning the Holy Spirit and His work in and for the believer.

The book of Acts, mentions the manifestation and work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost.

Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament

The Holy Spirit works divinely and magnificently in the accomplishment of God’s special plan. A thing to keep in mind is that His role cannot be limited through the points listed below. This is because there is more to learn, to see, or to know. This article is limited to do justice to the given topic. Here are some significant roles He mentioned in the New Testament and still sees in the present generation.

1. The Holy Spirit the Helper

The Holy Spirit the Helper

Christ talks about Holy Spirit throughout his ministry. He mentions the Holy Spirit as the Helper who will be replacing Him. And, that He will work mightily through his disciple and be with them.

These words are recorded in John 14:16-17.

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever–“.

Our advocate the Holy spirit pleads and Intercede with God the father on behalf of the believers. (Romans 8:26).

2. The Holy Spirit imparts New life

The Holy Spirit imparts New life

After believing Jesus Christ as the Saviour and being baptized in His name, the Holy Spirit gives new life, which the Bible mentions as Born again. (John 3:5-8) Here Jesus talks about being born again and being born of the spirit.

Being born again is the first step and the rest is the work of the Holy Spirit. He continuously works to renew and transform lives throughout the entire course of their Christian walk. The Bible proves it through the life of many individuals mentioned in the Bible.

  • The life story of Paul mentioned in the book of Luke, Corinthians, Romans, and Thessalonians is proof of how the Spirit of God moves and works in his life.

3. The Holy Spirit convicts sinners and sanctifies

The Holy Spirit convicts sinners and sanctifies

“And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:7-8). These words are indeed true! It is only through the power of the Holy Ghost, sinners get conviction of their sinful acts of the flesh. And thus, they can move toward their sanctification of becoming holy, just as Christ asks the believers and bears the fruit of the spirit in them. (Galatians 5:16-25)

4. The Holy Spirit teaches and testify

The Holy Spirit teaches and testify
(John 14:16) “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

The Spirit of God in the New Testament teaches the church about salvation, teaching them to walk faithfully in their Christian life, guiding them in all the truth, teaching them of the good and evil, teaching the truth of eternal life and death, also teaching them about the spiritual gifts and many more. In short, the Holy ghost presents Himself to an individual in a way they needed in their walk toward eternal life.

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.”

John 15:26

The Spirit provides believers with the power to be Christ’s witness in the world. He also helps them to pray, interceding for them with the Father, and inviting all the willing souls to be saved.

5. The Holy Spirit Grants gifts

The Holy Spirit Grants gifts

The New Testament mentions the manifestation of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit upon believers for the good of others. And, it is the Holy Spirit who also grants these gifts to believers for their faithfulness and their intimate relationship with God. More gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.


The way the Holy Spirit works in the New Testament is really different when comparing to the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit has also become more personal and closer to individuals in the New Testament which can be seen from the above-mentioned points. He indwell in people permanently, His move was so great and pointed greatly towards the second coming of Christ. However, it is never to compare the two Testaments. This is because both are connected to each other in one way or the other when it comes to the role of the Holy Spirit.

The manifestation of the Holy Spirit and His works is too great and too big to comprehend with a mere human mind. The only key to understanding it deeper and more clearly will be only through the help of the Holy Spirit Himself. And I believe that the knowledge from this write-up is just a tiny dot or even less than what the Bible talks about Him. Therefore, I suggest and encourage you to do a bible study and do your own research to know more.

If you desire Him, He will manifest His presence to you. And finally, with this Bible verse, I end my article.

Luke 11: 13

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?"

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