True Meaning of Christmas – The Real Reason

True Meaning of Christmas

The season of Christmas is here! Read below to understand the true meaning of Christmas Celebration!


It is that time of the year! December has arrived and with it all the joys and blessings of Christmas. Now, when we talk about Christmas, the most important message we get is of ‘great joy’. Christmas is the time where, as Christians we question ourselves and how strong our faith is.

Hence it is not just the time for merrymaking but to also reflect on our relationship with God. In Christianity, we believe that, this is the day our savior Jesus, who is the begotten son of God was born. Hence, we claim that God himself offers salvation by coming to live among us.

The celebration of Christmas first originated as part of an American tradition. It is considered the most joyful of all American holidays. But with the changes in time, we see today that, this holiday is not all joys and celebrating Jesus but rather an excuse to indulge oneself in all selfish worldly desires. And this is why, it brings back the question of, ‘what is the real meaning of Christmas?’

The Different Perspectives Of Christmas

The different perspective of Christmas

To some, Christmas may be about decorating their houses with pine trees whilst stuffing gifts under the heavily decorated tree, the sparkling lights in windows, the luxurious feasts with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and excited shouts of ‘Merry Christmas’ when the clock strikes 12! But is this really the meaning of true Christmas?

On the other hand, Christmas serves as a time of sorrow, unlike the fortunate ones. They may not even have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends.

And while not everyone is saddened by the lack of material gifts, there are many people who feel sad at Christmas time. It’s sad thinking of loved ones who will not be home for various reasons. The mandatory Christmas feasts may only be a wish and not a reality for some people too.

Of course, material gifts and a luxurious dinner with family and loved ones give us great joy. But this is just secondary and should only be a small part of the meaning we find in Christmas.

True Meaning of Christmas

the real meaning of christmas

The true meaning of Christmas is love.

In the Scripture, John 3:16-17 it says,

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

This is the true meaning of Christmas which is the celebration of the incredible act of love from God. The real Christmas story dates back to the story of how God becomes a human being in the form of Jesus Christ. And this brings us to question, why did God go through all the trouble to do that? The answer is simple; it is because He loves us and why was celebrating Christmas important?

For we needed a Savior to save us, Jesus was born! Because God loved us all so much, he provided a way, which is the only way, for us to spend eternity with Him. He sacrificed His only Son to take our punishment for all our sins. And because he paid the price in full, we are free from condemnation when we accept that free gift of love. Learn how to See God as a Perfect Father!

Romans 5:8 in the Bible says,

“But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.

Keeping this passage in mind, Christmas can be a season of great joy as well as a season of thanksgiving and love for God and His son Jesus. This is the time and season of God showing His great love for us, a time of healing and renewed strength.

And of course, one should enjoy the season with all luxurious dinners and gifts but remember to take a moment and express your gratitude as well! Because after all, when we talk about the true meaning of Christmas, it is the celebration of God’s ultimate gift: the birth of Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of our God.

Read about 13 Best Christmas Gifts Ideas For Kids This Year

What is the true meaning of Christmas?

What is the true meaning of Christmas

When we talk about a typical day on Christmas, the most widely shared experience of this holiday involves:

  • getting a day off from work or schools and colleges
  • attending the church services
  • having a heavy feast together with family and friends
  • exchanging gifts

They sound okay as long as one enjoys it. But it hardly sums up the idea that Christmas is a time of joy and love. As humans, although the merely materialistic-hedonistic spirit of Christmas is hard to resist it is still impossible to admire. But as they say, Christmas should be a season which brings every human great joy.

Christmas came into existence to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. This incredible act of love was given by God when He sent His only son, Jesus, into the world to be born. The birth of Jesus brought great joy to the world.

Why did Lord Jesus come into this world?

the unspeakable gift

In the Bible, we read about how the prophets had told of His coming hundreds of years before. But why did He come? And why did God send his only son to a world that was full of sinners? The answer is inevitable because Jesus would grow up to one of truth, love, and hope, to bring salvation to all. Without Jesus Christ, we would all die mercilessly in our sins.

Jesus was born so one day the price could be paid for all of our sins. In the bible, we read about how as humans, we inherited the nature of sinning through the sins of our first parents Adam and Eve. Learn to pursue God deeper and wholeheartedly!

To remove the stains, the only way is through Jesus. As Christians, we believe that Jesus died for our sins and so we pray and ask Him to come into our hearts and forgive us. And because we know that a heaven is a place where we can go when this life is over, we live our lives imitating that of God. This is why we can truly be happy at Christmas!

Bottom Line

Regardless of whether we are rich or poor this Christmas, it does not matter because at the end of the day, it does not change the fact that we are all God’s children. And so, this Christmas, one should invite Jesus into your heart to experience the true meaning of ‘Christmas’. Because, as everyone knows, Jesus is the only reason for this season! Rejoice and have a meaningful Christmas with your loved ones!