Christmas Letters from Santa Reviews – Is It Worth It?


The season of Christmas is here! It is time for the celebration of the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ! While there will also be the name and images of Santa Claus and especially if you have little children! But the question here arise, do we really understand the history and origin of Santa Claus himself? I’m sure, as kids, every one of us has once at one point of time asks to ourselves or parents ‘Who is Santa?’ and ‘what does he really do?’ Before going to the Christmas letters from Santa reviews, let us first understand and look at the origin of Santa Claus; and the history behind how the household name came into existence. This will help you understand and have more meaningful Christmas.

Who is Santa Claus?

Santa Claus

Santa Claus, also famously is also known as Christmas Father or Father Christmas. It was first introduced by Saint Nicholas that goes by the names Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa. He is a legendary character that originated in Western Christian culture. And, he apparently was said to bring gifts of toys and candies on Christmas Eve to children who behaved well throughout the year and bags of coal or nothing to the naughty children. [s]

Santa Claus was to accomplish his tasks of distributing the gifts with the help of his assistants, the Christmas elves. They claim to manually make the toys in his workshop at the North Pole. Moreover, the story also includes a flying reindeer that serves as his means of transportation and pulls the sleigh through the air.

Character of Santa

The character of Santa is generally presented as a portly, jolly personality with white beard. He has spectacles over his eyes; dresses warmly in a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs; white fur cuffed red trousers; red hat with white fur; and a black leather belt and heavy boots. He also carries a big bag full of gifts for children over his shoulders.

As Santa is depicted to have a jolly personality he is most commonly portrayed as laughing in a way that famously sounds like ‘ho ho ho’. This image of Santa, later on, became quite popular in the United States and Canada around the 19th century. This was especially after the significant influence of the 1823 poem ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’.

Thomas Nast, a famous Caricaturist, and political cartoonist also play an important role in the creation of Santa’s image. And, this image of him has been maintained. And it went on to be quite famous. It was also reinforced through songs, radio, television, children’s books, family Christmas traditions, films, and various advertisings of the Christmas holidays!

Understanding the tradition of writing letters to Santa!

The tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus or Father Christmas has been in practice for generations around the world. And keeping that in mind, every year, children from all over the globe still continues to write letters to Santa.

Some children leave the letters in their shoes, others leave notes pinned to the Christmas stockings that adorn the mantel above the fireplace. Moreover, there are children who mail them from the nearest post office in their neighborhood! To trace back the history behind the tradition of writing letters to Santa is as mystical as Santa himself.

Researches have been done. However, there has been very little information as to how the tradition of writing letter to Santa actually started. But vague evidence was found where a letter written from a little girl in the 1200’s was addressed to the original Santa, St. Nicholas himself.

The Letter

The letter reads as follows, “St. Nicholas patron of good children, I kneel for you to intercede. Hear my voice through the clouds And this night give me some toys. I want most of all a playhouse with some flowers and little birds”. The tradition of writing letters to Santa to ask for gifts really did not take place until the late 1800’s. However, it has gone to be a part of Christmas tradition in the lives of both the parents and children.

And this tradition still lives on today! Every year when the Christmas holidays begin, little boys and girls, sit down with paper, pencil, or crayon. They write their letters to Santa telling him how well they behave throughout the year. All the while making a long list of all the good deeds they have done. And why they deserve to be bestowed with the gifts that they desire which only Santa himself can bring!

Letters from Santa himself

Growing up, the tradition of writing letters to Santa is like a must-to-do when the Christmas seasons arrive. And as such, millions of people have at one point in time sent letters to Santa with the hopes of winning over the gifts they asked for.

And as it is with everyone, children ask for everything their hearts desire. Therefore, when they are writing to Santa, they ask for gifts that exist only in their imaginations as well. But, the one gift that they really desire is a genuine return letter from Santa Claus himself, delivered to their home, and addressed directly to them.

And as sad as that may sound, parents have for decades tricked their children into believing that Santa has received their Santa letter and took the time to respond when in truth, they did so themselves! There are some websites that offer such services. And “Christmas Letters from Santa” is one of them with many positive reviews. They get into the characters of Santa Claus and write letters to the children. Imagine how happy, the kid would be when they finally receive a letter from Santa himself!

About Christmas Letters from Santa

Christmas Letters from Santa

When you were a child, how many of you dreamt of getting a Christmas letter from Santa? Everyone! Right? Now we have all outgrown that desire to write letters to Santa or expecting to get one from Santa himself! But many of us will know of a little girl or boy maybe not necessarily your children or younger siblings, who would be genuinely happy and thrilled at the thought of receiving a personalized Christmas letter from the one and only Santa Claus himself!

And so this is where Christmas Letters from Santa Claus comes in, like a shining knight in armor! This Christmas you can add a little magic in the lives of a little child whether they are your children, younger siblings, relatives, or neighbors! Christmas Letters from Santa Claus have gained 4.4-star reviews and has many positive feedbacks too.

Working Reviews of Christmas Letters from Santa

Working of Christmas Letters from Santa

Details about your Child

Like their name, age, name of their best friend, special achievements and their Christmas list and so on.

Customize and Preview your letter

Here, you can make customization of the text to be used in the letter. After which, preview and double-check the letter before sending it.

Enter your address details

Enter the details of the address where the letter needs to be delivered.

Your Child’s letter is ready

And with that, the letter is ready to be shipped and delivered to the receiver’s doorstep in December!

All letters are dispatched by the Royal Mail for orders in the UK and the rest of the world.

Pricing of the Letters!

All of the letters on this website are personalized and customized with the information that you provide. Each letter comes in neatly folded and sealed within an authentic, textured envelope, printed with the receiver’s name and address. And finally stamped ‘From the North Pole,’ to give the extra bit of Christmas magic.

It also comes with free worldwide delivery and is normally sent via first class post or the equivalent. However, to avoid any incidents and inconveniences, always remember to double check all of the details you provide on the screen. This is because there are no options to change the letter information once the details are sent.

The breakdowns of the prices of the Christmas letters are given below:

1 Letter


2 Letter


3 Letter


4+ Letters


Refund Policy Reviews at Christmas Letters from Santa

When we shop online, chances are that we cancel the order again after changing our minds. This letter is no different. In such cases, where you wish to cancel your order, you are given the right to do so without any additional charge but until the point of dispatch.

The buyers are also given the right to a cancelation period of 7 working days after dispatch that begins on the day of receipt of the goods. You can post back the product at the return address we find on the confirmation email. After which a full refund will be initiated.

Affiliation Program Reviews at Christmas Letters from Santa Claus

Affiliation Program Reviews at Christmas Letters from Santa Claus

As per the official website reviews, Christmas Letters from Santa is providing an affiliation program. It is on the lookout for motivated publishers and networks to run their campaigns!

Apparently this project has been running for over 10 years now. It has regular affiliates coming back each year due to their positive success in this field.

The campaign is made available in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the continent of Europe! Payments are done on a CPA payout basis.

Why should you choose Christmas Letters from Santa

At Christmas Letters from Santa Claus, you can order special customized Christmas letters from Santa Claus himself. And regardless of where you live, it comes with free worldwide delivery service which is quite convenient. Therefore, you can order the letter from Santa and watch their little face light up as they start to open it.

The letters are personalized that include basic details like the receiver’s name, age, home town, name of their best friend or relative and detailed references of all their special achievements in that year. And most importantly, praises for their good behavior and kindness to others. To make it more interesting, Santa even knows where to deliver the letter if the child is away from home at Christmas!

At Christmas Letters from Santa, customers reviews are glad for giving the option to a cancelation period of 7 working days after dispatch. Or, you can also post back the product for whatever reasons, at the return address. The address is given on the confirmation email and after which a full refund will be initiated.  

This Christmas, you can make the festivities more fun by helping your children experience the true spirit of Christmas with an authentic letter from Santa Claus available only at So, Hurry up! Grab that letter for your little ones today!

Santa and his association with Christmas Traditions!

Santa and his association with Christmas Traditions

The character of Santa Claus has been associated with Christmas for as long as one can remember! He is no doubt a legendary figure who is the traditional patron of Christmas in many countries especially in the United States. He claims to bring gifts to children who behaved really well all throughout the year. As mentioned earlier, the popular image of Santa is based on Saint Nicholas who is a Christian saint dating back to 4th Century.

As everyone knows, Father Christmas is an important part of Christmas celebrations and he fills that role in many countries. There are many stories about Saint Nicholas’ life and many of which tells about his kindness and generosity. After his death, a tradition was introduced of giving gifts in his honor and till date, the tradition still lives on and St.

Nicholas Day & Christmas

It is observed on December 6 every year in many countries, but in some countries like America, this tradition and St. Nicholas Day were combined with Christmas. This is because as Christians, it only seemed natural that a holiday that celebrates giving would merge with the birth of Christ which in Christianity is considered the greatest gift that is ever given to humankind from God! Although, today when we look around, the modern Santa Claus has devolved into a secularized figure that is more or less created by fantasy.

However, regardless of how Santa’s image is today, it should serve its purpose to help us remember the real Saint Nicholas. He was a man who devoted his entire life to serving God. Hence, inspiring millions of others to do the same and lived true to his purpose even after his death, that all saints should bring glory to God, not to detract from him.

In a Christian tradition, at Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and that God himself came in bodily form, in real flesh and blood, to earth.

In 1 Corinthians 12:27, it says “However, after he ascended to heaven and his physical presence was no longer on earth, Jesus entrusted believers to be his body”.

By all accounts, we can positively say that, St. Nicholas lived a life that helped others to see the reality of Christ and with that, we come to the conclusion that Santa has always been a part of Christmas traditions since time immemorial!