What Are The Benefits Of Being A Child Of God?

benefits of being a child of god


As Christians, you may have often heard this saying, ‘You are a Child of God’. These teachings starts the moment you are old enough to understand words whether it is from your Sunday school, academic institution, or your home! In the bible, we read about how God made man in his own image. So, does that really mean that we are a child of God and can obtain the benefits?

The answer should be YES! We are! We are God’s Children! Growing up as Christians, regardless of whether you are a Catholic or a Protestant or any other such denomination, at the end of the day, we still believe in the fact that, God is our heavenly Father and we are His beloved children.

The purpose of our existence on Earth as humans is to live a Godly life so that, when our work is done on earth, we may be united with our heavenly Father in heaven. In the bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:31, it reads,

“Living a life that glorifies God is synonymous with living a life that reveals God.”

So, it is clear that how we live our lives will reflect on the judgment day when we meet God face to face.

Does God love me?

Does God love me

God loves you, God loves me and God loves everyone. Regardless of whether or not you are living a Christian life or a non-Christian life, God still loves you because you are His precious child! How special is that, right? As the creator of heaven and earth, He sees you and is watching over you at all times! It does not matter where you are, God will always find you.

Now, there may come a time or more when things are not going your way and you will start doubting God’s love for you. When such situations arise, think of the price God paid for sinners like us. He sent His only begotten son to die a painful death just for our sins so that we can be redeemed in salvation!

#BenefitsofBeingachildofGod #ChildofGod

Being a child of God gives you a purpose in life!

Being a child of God gives you a purpose in life

We all have our purpose for being here on this earth. And regardless of the many reasons, at the end of the day as Christians, we believe that our real purpose on this earth is to live a Godly life and glorify God’s name through prayers and by reading the word of God or the Bible, on a daily basis. This is one of the benefits of being a child of God. Because now that, you have a purpose in life, you can lead an even more fruitful and happier life. Live your life through Him and for Him.

In the bible verse, I Corinthians 2:9, we read,

“No one has seen, or heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love Him.”

No one has seen or heard God in person, but we still believe that He is our Father and that He has already planned out our entire lives even before we are born.

You are one with God!

You are one with God

When you accept God as your Father, you ultimately become one with Him! To be one with God is special. And as you continue to grow up in your faith, you become more and more like Him. Because you are a child of God, you gain the benefits of becoming one with Him. If you are still unsure, start communicating with Him. Here is what you can do:

  • Seek out God, Glorify God and pray to Him.
  • Read the Bible daily and listen to the Word of God.
  • Do a daily devotional.
  • Praise and sing out to Him.
  • Gather together in his home, the church, because you are one with God and you belong to Him.

And remember that, when you call out to God, He will answer you and guide you with all the questions you have for Him, through the power of the Holy Spirit who is already present in your heart!

God will always take care of His children!

God will always take care of His children

Just like how our earthly parents takes care of us here on earth, God will always take care of His children as well. Often times we may think that, because God is not visible to the naked eyes, we take Him from granted. This should not be so, because God is always there for us.

He lives in us and breathes in us

We need to feel His presence from our hearts and not eyes. Think back of all the times you have met with unfortunate events and accidents, it is not purely by luck that you were saved but because of God’s constant protection on you. Yes, there may be instances where you’ve had to face some incidents. However, what you can learn from those unfortunate events is that, God was testing you and He may have wanted you to learn valuable lessons from those situations. In fact, it is during times like that that our faith in God is tested.

However, regardless of the events, always remember that God was, is, and will always be there for you. You can hide and try escaping from Him, but He will always watch over you and take care of you because you are His beloved child.

The Bible verses, 1 Peter 5:7,

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”

and Hebrews 4:16;

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”,

They clearly state again the benefits and just how fortunate we are, to be a child of God. Because we have Him as our perfect Father, we can always confidently confide in Him with whatever troubles and problems we have in our day to day lives, without any fear of judgments and rejections.

How fortunate are we to be a child of God?

How fortunate are we to be a child of God

This is a question we need to ask ourselves every day. Because as humans, we all tend to forget just how blessed and fortunate we are, to be a child of God! Everything that we are, have, and will have, is because of Him and Him alone.

Pray to Him, Praise Him, Rejoice in Him, Glorify His name every day and you will start looking life in a happier blessed way!

Feed your heart and soul with the word of God or the Bible, because a day will come when we, as humans, will depart from our earthly home and proceed to our eternal heavenly home. When that day comes, all you have to take to meet your Father is yourself and not the house or the cars or other material wealth you have.

The important benefits of being a Child of God is that you have made it halfway there, to meet God. Live your life in a way that, you will not have to turn your face away in guilt or embarrassment when you meet your Father face to face someday!