Prepping Christian Believer Reviews: What You Need To Know!

Prepping Christian Believer Reviews

Prepping Christian Believer Reviews: Learn what the book is about, what topic it covers, is it worth it, how does it prepare Christians, and how to make the best out of it!


As humans, there are times where we question our faith and how strong it really is! Now, this is normal and something which we all go through. However, the good news is that God sees it all and He still forgives us in times of our weak moments. As Christians, our faith is tested when we need to face obstacles that comes our way. For instance, taking the example of when you or any of your loved ones gets sick or any other serious calamities hits you, the first thing you do is start praying to God, right?

There may be times when the prayers may not work. However, it does not mean that God has abandoned you or has stopped loving you. This will be a time when your faith in Him will be tested. The Prepping Christian Believer is a book that provides guidance to Christians on how to survive any calamities or pandemics.

According to the author of this book, he says that, the book will:

“prepare you and your family for the hardest and most important moments of your life. And it’ll do it in a way that follows God’s guidance.”

About the book: Prepping Christian Believer

Prepping Christian Believer

The Prepping Christian Believer is an easy-to-read Christian book that was written by Alexander Cain to help all Christians to prepare themselves in times of calamities and pandemics. In this book, the author lists down step to step instruction on how to survive using many biblical references from the bible. He covers a wide range of topics that includes food, water, shelter, first aid, and many other basic necessities needed for survival.

The author also goes on to say that every global crisis that we are facing today had already been forewarned in the Bible.

In the bible Matthew 24:44, it says,

“Therefore you must be ready, for the Son of God will come at an hour you do not expect.”  

We understand from this passage that, God wants us to be always prepared and ready for any situations that may arise. And, this is also seen when He says that, we should be ready to welcome the Son of God, Jesus Christ who will visit us any time and any hour of the day; perhaps even when we least expect it!

The author also stresses how natural disasters and other man-made crisis have grown at an alarming rate over the last few decades. And to the reviews of this book, the Prepping Christian Believer is a survival book for all Christian believers. It was written specifically for those situations that may arise again today, tomorrow, or in the near future. Hence, it will help to prepare and save yourself and your loved ones from the worst crisis!

The creator and inspiration behind the book Prepping Christian Believer!

The author of the book, Prepping Christian Believer is Alexander Cain. The inspiration to write this book came from personal experiences. In the book, the author explains how he faced some of the worst-hit natural disasters and what preparations did he do when he faced these situations. He was inspired to write this book to help other Christian preppers.

This book is all about step-to-step guidance with biblical references when natural disasters take place. The writer admits from his past experience that, all though he had prepared everything from stocking food to every other essential that comes under the ‘basic necessity’ category, your preparation is never enough. And, the reality of it hits in, only when you come face to face with the crisis! [s]

Why do preppers fail?

As the author of the book says, “We are in the Beginning of Sorrows”. We are living in a world where we are always prone to be a victim of one or the other natural calamities and disasters.

In the bible, Matthew 24:4-8, Jesus says,

“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, “I am the Christ”, and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these things are the beginning of sorrows. ”

Through this passage, you can clearly understand why preppers fail.

Firstly, they lack awareness.

They don’t realize the severity of the situation until it is too late to do so. We can take the example of the current situation we are in, when Covid first hit in, how many of us took the virus seriously? Many of us just left it as the cold flu. And today, look at how many lives were lost due to our ignorance? Millions of lives were lost because we did not realize the severity of this virus and pandemic until it was too late to do so.

Secondly, most of the preppers prepare in similar ways.

This literally means they are committing the same mistakes like everybody else while preparing! The author Alexander Cain is of the opinion that the majority of the preppers use the same strategies and methods. And as such, when faced with scarcity of food, water, and other basic necessities, they face shortage of the same utilities. He hilariously compares this failure with a situation where people go for a potluck, and everyone brings an identical dish.

To be a prepper

To be a prepper is to be prepared at all times by learning many additional skills that can be of great help later on. Quoting the bible in Revelations 13:16-17, it reads,

“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

When there is a calamity with limited and scarcity of resources, the writer, Alexander Cain strongly recommends all preppers to combine the word of God with practical survival skills. These are available in the book, Prepping Christian Believer!

How Prepping Christian Believer prepares the Christians!

How Prepping Christian Believer prepares the Christians

The book take inspiration from the bible and contains many biblical references. In the book of Psalm 132:13-15, it says about Zion:

“For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.”

Through this passage, we can understand that, God wants us to be prepared at all times. And by this, He wants us to have faith in Him.

In 2 Timothy 5:8, it reads,

“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

If you read the Bible, you would have definitely come across many passages that mention about survival techniques. And truthfully, these steps of instructions have never been more important to prep ourselves to survive. They are important especially in today’s time when the world tackles with one problem after another.

Few Insights on the book

In the Prepping for the Christian Believer book reviews, page 9 explains why Noah was the first prepper. And, the consequences of how he prepared continue to impact millions of other preppers today. Chapter 6 of Genesis is also mentioned here where God established His Covenant with Noah to build an ark to save his family and other living creatures.

Page 13 of the book explains how the most powerful nation in the world that is, the United States of America is not mentioned in any of the prophecies in the bible. This goes on to show that, when the worst crisis hits you, even the most powerful nation in the world cannot save you.

This is further explained on page 36 of the book where it talks about the 2020 Covid crisis that deeply affected the entire world. The author details how one can survive this pandemic and save themselves and their loved ones.

As the number of deaths rises from this virus each passing day, one can do nothing but only hope that the next victim to succumb to this dreadful virus is not you or any of your loved ones. The book talks about not just faith but also other important things to do when you face such calamities and situations.

The guide to survival also comes with how to have enough food and water; how to find or build a shelter; and many other things you will need.

Topics covered

A unique feature reviews of the Prepping Christian Believer is that it not only teaches about to survive in a crisis but also guides us on how to thrive and build a life after the crisis. In short, listed below are some of the topics that were covered in this survival guide book:

  • How to find sources of food sources, prepare food or store enough food for yourself and your family.
  • How and where to find water that is clean and storage of clean water.
  • When should you start evacuating your home or when to dig in
  • How to remain calm and composed during the crisis
  • Tips on how to turn your home into a protective shield to prevent invaders and robbers to enter in.
  • The importance of faith in your survival
  • Basic survival techniques and tips
  • Last but not the least, how to make a paramedic first aid kit from scratch!

Pricing and Refund Policy of the book: Prepping Christian Believer Reviews

Prepping Christian Believer Refund and bonus

If you are looking to buy the book, Prepping Christian Believer book, you can get it online. The book is available only on the official website.

This book is a must for all Christians as the author beautifully details how one can combine the word of God with survival skills when faced with any natural disasters and pandemics!

The Prepping for the Christian Believer book is currently priced at just $37, which is quite reasonable considering how valuable and useful the content reviews of the book is.

Additionally, it also offers money-back guarantee within 60 days on all orders if you are not satisfied; and your money will be fully refunded on the original mode of payment.

Additional Freebies

With every order that you make, some additional freebies are added to support your prepping goals with two other bonuses:

30 days Emergency Plan Ebook

It is a guide book for the next 30 days and how you can help your family from starvation, dehydration and from getting looted by intruders

The Survival Mindset book

It is another free bonus add-on. It mentally prepares you to bravely face the crisis. Moreover, it helps you to remain calm and collected even during the worst crisis.

These add-ons are added with every order to help prepare the preppers for any worst-case scenarios.

Final Thoughts on the book Prepping Christian Believer

The Prepping for the Christian Believer is a book for Christian preppers that contains 90 pages, explaining techniques on how to survive and thrive when faced with any disasters or crisis and has good reviews.

This Christian-based survival technique book is one of its kind. It can help you when you don’t have any access to basic necessities like healthcare, government aid, food and water supplies, first aid, and many more when you encounter unfortunate situations.

Now, the chances of you facing any disaster may be low but never zero. Hence, it is always wise to stay prepared so that, you won’t have to go through the worst situations even when the worst crisis hits you. These techniques and methods mentioned in the book are backed by biblical references. The price of the book is quite reasonable and is available for purchase only in the official website.

Therefore, regardless of whether or not you are a Christian, you should definitely try the book of Prepping Christian Believer to get tips and advice on how to survive a pandemic or any other such crisis!